Tommasi Ferroni

Oil Paintings

Giovanni Tommasi Ferroni
Rome 1967

Events and characters in classical mythology are only the starting point for his poetic images which in a rather more subtle way aim at the concept of myth through an original melting pot of past and present, heroism and daily life, that the artist looks at with irony. A humane and serene, free and heartfelt way of looking at the world and life.

Mixed Media

Giovanni Tommasi Ferroni
Rome 1967

Events and characters in classical mythology are only the starting point for his poetic images which in a rather more subtle way aim at the concept of myth through an original melting pot of past and present, heroism and daily life, that the artist looks at with irony. A humane and serene, free and heartfelt way of looking at the world and life.


Giovanni Tommasi Ferroni
Rome 1967

Events and characters in classical mythology are only the starting point for his poetic images which in a rather more subtle way aim at the concept of myth through an original melting pot of past and present, heroism and daily life, that the artist looks at with irony. A humane and serene, free and heartfelt way of looking at the world and life.


Giovanni Tommasi Ferroni
Rome 1967

Events and characters in classical mythology are only the starting point for his poetic images which in a rather more subtle way aim at the concept of myth through an original melting pot of past and present, heroism and daily life, that the artist looks at with irony. A humane and serene, free and heartfelt way of looking at the world and life.

Giovanni Tommasi Ferroni
10 Year Retrospective 1996-2006
Published at the occasion of the exhibition at
the Jan van der Togt Museum Feb - March 2006.
Full color reproductions. 80 pages.
The introduction is written by the Italian art critic PhilippeDaverio.
price: € 30,-

Giovanni Tommasi Ferroni Published by Steltman Galleries
at the occasion of the exhibition in 1999.
Over 50 full color reproductions of paintings
and drawings from 1996 - 1999.
The introduction is written by the American art critic Donald Kuspit.
price: € 20,-

Published at the occasion of the exhibition at the
Museum Sandro Parmeggiani
in Ferrara, Italy, 2002.
Full color catalog, with reproductions of
paintings and drawings from 1999 - 2002.
Text by Franco Basile and Maria Censi.
price : € 20,-


Giovanni Tommasi Ferroni was born in Rome in 1967.
When he started painting in his father's studio as a child, he carried on the tradition of a family of artists that goes back many generations. By working in the studio of his father Riccardo Tommasi Ferroni he was educated in much the same way his ancestors were during the baroque tradition / period.

Giovanni later studied Literature as well and specialized in Art History at the University of Rome. Both are still a source of great inspiration in his paintings today. His paintings create a beautiful fantasy world that is inhabited by all kinds of mytho-logical, historical and contemporary creatures. While Tommasi's style and choice of subjects is influenced by the style of his ancestors, contemporary icons intrigue him as well. The resulting synthesis of classical style and subjects and contemporary analytical perspective is sometimes slightly ironic but always fantastic and delirious.

His first shows were held in prestigious galleries such as Galleria Il Gabbiano (1991) and Galleria L´ Indicatore (1995) in Rome.


1989 Galleria AMG, Alassio (Italy)
1991 Galleria Il Gabbiano, Rome (Italy)
1995 Galleria L´Indicatore, Rome
1997 Group exhibition European Figurative Art
Steltman Galleries, Amsterdam

1997 Steltman Galleries, Amsterdam
1997 Galleria Il Gabbiano, Rome
1998 Steltman Galleries, New York
1998 Steltman Galleries, Amsterdam
2000 Steltman Galleries, Amsterdam
2002 Museo Sandro Parmeggiani, Ferrara (Italy)
2002 Steltman Galleries, Amsterdam
2003 Steltman Galleries, Amsterdam
2004 Galerie Il Tempietto, Brindisi
2005 Steltman Galleries, Amsterdam
2006 February - March, Jan van der Togt Museum, Amstelveen
2006 April, Gallery Davico, Torino
2007 Museo “Sandro Parmeggiani” Cento(FE).
“i Tommasi Ferroni”. Catalogue with test of
Franco Basile e Maria Censi. Ferrara (Italy)

2007 Steltman Galleries, Amsterdam
2007 Tecna, Milaan (Italy)
2007 Palazzo Antinori 'Per ... Bacco', Florence (Italy)
2007 Censa (Italy)
2007 August, Mongolia
2009 Ex convitto Palmieri ,Lecce (Italy)
“ Le Metamorfosi di Ovidio nei disegni di
Giovanni Tommasi Ferroni”.
Catalogue with test of Antonio Cassiano.

2009 Galleria “Il Senato”-Milano

Group exhibitions:

2007 “Antologia della figurazione contemporanea”
Italy ,the last generation
Teckne int. Figurae, Milan., exhibition curated by
Gilbero Algranti e Albero Agazzani.
Catalogue Skira. Editions

2007 “Hypnos e Thanatos”,Centro culturale” Le Muse”,Andria.
Exhibition curated by Alberto Agazzani

2007 National Museum of Baotou –Cina-Catalogue with text of
Claudio Strinati

2008 “International Festival of Fine Arts”-Beijing-China.
2008 Olimpic Fine Arts-Beijing -China.
2008 “Sogni” Galleria Chiari, Roma Exhibition curated
by Alberto Agazzani.

2009 “ I grandi allievi della scuola romana di Riccardo Tommasi Ferroni”
galleria San Marino-Palazzo Arzilli-Republic of. San Marino

2009 “Francesco e Chiara d’Assisi”-Massa,Palazzo Ducale (Italy)
2009 Centro culturale “Le Muse” Andria (Italy)


Steltman Galleries
Voormalige Stadstimmertuin 2F
1018 ET Amsterdam
The Netherlands
+31 - (0)6 - 48723104

By appointment only


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Offered by: Steltman Galleries Amsterdam The Netherlands

Telephone: +31 - (0)6 - 48723104
